Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This is my blog

This is my blog.
I've come out of the fog.
To run pell-cell,
into the smell
of technology.

It was quite a feat,
but the smell is sweet.
I shall come back
to have a snack
on the feast of Web 2.0


Library Guy said...

Lookin' good, CW. Where is that avatar???

Carolnb said...

I like your poem. How's Apollo?

~jd said...

if you need the lesson on how to name the blog, you know where to find me ;)

Chairman Jason said...

I like the changes you made on your blog, Carrie. Now... Are ever gonna actually work on the Things?

Carrie Watts said...

Just seconds after your 'comment', Mr. Lyons, I posted on Thing 2. Thank you very much.