Monday, April 7, 2008

Guess what???

I'm on thing #3!!! I'm kind of excited about the RSS Feeds. Maybe I'll be able to keep on top of stuff I'm interested in, now that I know how to do this. I only have 2 right now: Word of the Day and Confessions of a Pioneer Woman, which won Best Food Blog of 2008. I'm using Bloglines, due to my co-workers recommendations. There's lots of stuff I'm interested in, but I don't want to go overboard and have a million things to read when I look at it. So, I'm just starting with a couple and will see how that goes. I really wish I had more time to play around with this new tool, but I must get on to #4!


Library Guy said...

Way to go Half-stepper! Did I ever tell you I love your hat?

Captain Crone said...

Yes the trick with this project is to not fall in love with just one Thing and never move on, lol. Otherwise you end up with a very terse blog and an unfinished project! Think of it as a buffet where you are going to put a little of everything on your plate but then you can go back for a huge helping of what you liked the best later.